Ambassade Biologique Recherche Roma


Body treatments Ambassade Biologique Recherche RomaHair & scalp Treatments Ambassade Biologique Recherche Roma

An expert in facial skincare, Biologique Recherche also applies its personalized approach to the body. We offer a full-body diagnosis, including a questionnaire, visual examination of your epidermis, and bioelectric stimulation to measure and analyze your body composition.

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Our body treatments are tailored to your precise needs by one of our expert beauticians. We offer body treatments lasting 45, 60 or 90 min. The longer your beauty treatment is, the more specific techniques can be added for better results on your skin.

For smoother, more hydrated skin

An exfoliating and revitalizing treatment. It leaves the skin softer, more even and moisturized.

For redefining your contours

A draining treatment that smooths your bodily contours and reduces cellulite.

For a toned and sculpted body

A firming and toning treatment that leaves you with a refined skin texture and resculpted body.

To detoxing your body

A purifying and detoxifying treatment. It promotes the elimination of toxins and helps improve microcirculation.

For total decompression, both in body and mind

This ultra-personalized treatment targets specific areas with pinpointed massage maneuvers. It combines our iconic stomach massage with a mixture of manual stretching techniques and targeted pressure points to help you unwind completely.
The massage strokes will be adjusted to your preferences – whether relaxing, energizing or regenerating.

For an absolute relaxation and well-being of the mother-to-be and her baby

The Massage Future Maman offers, through different manual techniques and specific body positioning, a real moment of serenity.

Certified by Stéphane Cardon, physiotherapist-osteopath specialized in the management of pregnancy-related ailments, this treatment unravels tensions caused by the body changes of the mother-to-be. It will be 100% personalized in formity with the pregnancy stage, the desired positions, the aches and pains felt: a moment of absolute relaxation for the mother-to-be and her baby.

For a sensation of lightness

A draining and anti-swelling treatment that stimulates circulation and leaves your legs feeling less heavy.
Remodeling face